Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lessons for Girls

Here's a really cool meme I just discovered and now love. It's called Lessons for Girls and it's an ongoing series about life issues for women, with contributions by various bloggers. Click this link to read the whole thing, but just for instant gratification's sake, here's the basic list:

1. Anger
2. Opting Out

3. On Pity
4. Independence
5. Trust Your Instincts

6. No Apologies
7. It’s okay if not everyone likes you
8. You don’t have to be a mom
9. You can say no
10. Don’t peak early
11. Love your body
12. If you don’t ask, you don’t get
13. You are not what you wear
14. Don’t just ask, insist on help (even if it makes you feel weird)
15. Girl School
16. Romance is for your pleasure and enjoyment

My favorite, I think, is Girl School.

Try it. This stuff is gold. From the blog Historiann.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Victory Tastes Like Defeat

Health Care Reform passed last night, due in large part to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's determination and guidance (yay!). This morning, President Obama signed an executive order applying the Hyde Amendment (ongoing ban on public funding of abortion) to the new legislation (BOO). Initial reports from the feminist front indicate that this is not simply an affirmation of the status quo (which sucked to begin with), but an actual rollback of reproductive rights and expansion of Hyde's influence. And, oh yeah, it's extra disheartening coming from a supposedly pro-choice president, who has continuously denounced Hyde altogether.

Remember this cover of Ms. magazine? I'm not so keen on it now.

And this guy? This Democrat? He needs to fall. off. the face of the earth and take his abortion bargaining chip and all the Republicans who were obnoxious heels throughout this whole process with him.